Hi, I was wondering if anyone could give me an idea about what I need to do about my "Virtual Memory"
First I should say that I am forever mulit-tasking...big time....
This is the error I get....
"Windows Virtual Memory Too Low
Your system is low in virtual memory.
Windows is increasing the size of your
virtual memory paging file. During this
process, memory requests for some application
may be denied."
I get that at least once a day and I don't know what to do....

Here are the specs for my system...
HP Pavilion
Intel (R)
Celeron (R) CPU 2.70 GHZ
2.69 GHZ
248 MB RAM

And I'm running...
Windows XP
Home Edition
Version 2002
Service Pack 1

It never locks up or anything when it says that....I've looked at the "Virtual Memory Paging File" but I don't know what I should do with it....

As for the multi-tasking that I do....I ALWAYS have PSP8 running...ALWAYS! But I don't think that the combination of other programs that I may be running wouldn't be any different from anyone elses around here....but that's why I'm asking here because I'm usually also running like Logon Studio or Skin Studio and of course I use WB, Cursor XP, Tablaunchpad...but I usually shut down the Beatnik and Rainlendar and Object Dock when I'm working....and have prety much stopped using Desktop X altogether...

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on Sep 05, 2004
... there are many different opinions about how you should set your virtual memory settings, but here is what i do:

if you have two harddrives, or two partitions, first disable the virtual paging file on your primary harddrive (the one containing ur os)

then, create a new paging file on the harddrive/partition that DOES NOT contain your windows installation.

for the size settings, i usually set the minimum to be around 1.5 times the amount of ram I have, so in your case set it to maybe 384 mb. for the maximum, I set it to more than a gig... since you do not have as much physical ram, I would set it to maybe 1536mb, which is 1.5 gigs

then, you can adjust these to taste... if you still get virtual memory low, you can up the maximum even more, to 2 gigs, and so on, until u run out of harddrive space

hope this helps

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on Sep 05, 2004
of course, if you only have one harddrive or partition, just keep the original paging file and extend its size

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on Sep 05, 2004
first off.. buy more ram if you can. Bump it up to at least 512MB, preferably 1024MB.
Then do as Halluci said.
If you have just 1 drive, set the pagefile size at a higher level.
Right Click My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Performance (settings button), Advanced, Virtual Memory (change button). Highlight the drive letter, and check the custom size button. Set the initial size and maximum size to the same number, then hit the Set button. You will probably have to reboot then.
The MS recommended size is 1.5 times your total physical ram. In your current case that would be 372MB which isn't a very large amount. You will have to experiment with it, but the goal here is to stop the low virtual mem messages. Make it higher if you wish.
Also, if you have a second hard drive, do not completely lose the paging file from drive C. If you do, you will lose the ability to perform the system restore. If you are not worried about that, then lose drive c page file and put it all on a separate Hard Disk.

Hope this helps
on Sep 05, 2004
do not completely lose the paging file from drive C. If you do, you will lose the ability to perform the system restore.

I didn't know that, and it explains a problem I had in the past with System Restore.

I've read conflicting views on where the page should be, and I have no idea which view is actually correct. But I was told by someone quite knowledgeable that setting the page file on another drive doesn't really help.

But I do know one thing..... Phoon is correct about your physical RAM..... you need more.

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on Sep 05, 2004
I've read conflicting views on where the page should be, and I have no idea which view is actually correct. But I was told by someone quite knowledgeable that setting the page file on another drive doesn't really help.

thats probably right, it most likely doesn't help, but the thing is, if you set it on ur secondary partition, especially with more than one harddrive, you spread out the usage among harddrives and thus in theory it should take less time to access both the page file and the windows files on the main harddrive

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on Sep 05, 2004
Ok, Uh I do have 2 drives but the second drive is the HP_RECOVERY. I've not made the suggested recovery CDs yet but I need to....anyway, when I right click on D this is what the properties are.
Type Local
File System FAT32
Capacity 7.00GB
Used 4.58 GB
Free 2.42 GB
I've not found where I can do any changing of it.
I do know I need to buy more RAM, I'll look into it.
I DO NOT want to loose the ability to perform the System Restore, because I've used it several times......especially when I'm trying to get the Stardock BootSkin utility working....it crashes my system everytime I try to install it.
on Sep 05, 2004
I don't think you have two physically separate drives....the HP_RECOVERY is just another partition on your single drive. If you system is still original factory components, odds are that there is only one drive. I agree with everyone else...you definitely want at least 512K of memory. Also my page file is on my first HD and it is set at 1.5x for maximum
on Sep 05, 2004
I don't know if it's seperate or not....it shows up in My Computer as seperate....one id "C" and the other is "D"
How can I figure out if it's seperate?
And does anyone have a suggestion about what and where to get the RAM?
I tend to do a LOT of shopping on eBay..Good idea or bad?
And BTW...I really appreceite all the help...
on Sep 06, 2004
go to System Properties....Hardware Tab....Device Manager to see all your installed hardware, or just open the case . Buy memory from a regular outlet that allows returns, in case you get a bad stick.
on Sep 07, 2004
Thanks for the help! Can I ask one more question....
I've been looking into buying, but now I need to figure out about the whole...DDR, SDR, DIMM...
What's the deal there....I looked in the books that came with my pc, but it looks like I need to open the computer and look at the amount of pins to see which I need to buy...
I do hate to be such a pain....when it comes to doing a most computer things I know my way around, but that's with software type issues....hardware is a whole new ball game to me!
on Sep 07, 2004

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on Sep 07, 2004
I would call tech support on your HP and ask them what type of Ram you need. They will know. There are a lot of variables to Ram. Parity,non-parity, edo, non edo, pin counts...etc
on Sep 07, 2004
be sure to check the overhead knuter-valve before you open the case though..
on Sep 08, 2004
Your Virtual Memory is located in Control Panel- System- Advanced- Performance Settings- Advanced -Virtual Memory change- then press set after you change the settings or they won't stick.
on Sep 17, 2004
I get that Windows Virtual Memory Too Low message lots to. It means that u have too many programs running, u have too many hardware devices connected to the computer, or, u have to unstall some software/hardware devices.
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