Hey, everyone. I just wanted to remind you all to update your virus software!
About a year ago I got a new computer and it came with Norton Anti Virus and Norton Personal Firewall. Well, I installed them both, but haven't ever done any updating of the virus part, though I use the firewall a lot...came in really handy when I installed Morpheus, because it allowed me to not have to allow access to the "other" software...anyway I've never run a full system scan or done any of the live updates or anything, until I got the email from "Martin" the other day.
Ok, real fast, I'm going to continue to say the email was from Martin even though it isn't actually from him, ok? Just for reference purposes...
So, I had a computer crash a few weeks ago and when I finally got things all up and running I needed to update my Stardock software, so I headed over to the site and clicked in my email address so they could send me information and the links to update things, and there was some sort of problem, so I took a screen shot and sent it to tech support. The thing is the email address Stardock has for me and the email address I sent the screen shot from aren't the same, so I wasn't sure how or where they'd respond, but a day or so later, I got a response, and then right after that I got 2 more emails one from Martin and one from my mail box alias to my primary email address...Now at this point I'm thinking that the one from Martin was actually from him to help with the problem, but it wasn't! Nope, they were spoof emails... both with nasty little attachments, but didn't know it at the time, I clicked on the attachment and saved it right to my desktop....How dumb can one person be? (Yeah, well be nice)
I've never gotten a virus before and thought I was careful enough...I've got Thunderbird set up to filter junk and my ISP also has built in virus protection so I was covered, right? I mean it happens to other people, not me.
Well I was wrong, and my pc started acting really funny and it dawned on me OMG, I just opened a strange file that didn't do anything....I tried to connect to the net with no success, and several of my programs stopped working, so thanks to Windows XP, I ran a System Restore, rebooted and I was back up and running...things were fine and I put it out of my mind??? Am I getting more stupid? I just went on with my business, until I opened my mail box and the same 2 emails appeared again, which is when I deleted them ran Live Update and came here to see if I could reach Martin.
When I posted in the boards Link Hippy informed me it was spoof emails that I was receiving. So at this point I opened Norton and went about the process of updating my software, and thank goodness I did, because tonight I got another...
I use a docklet to preview my email before I open it in Thunderbird, saw that there was another email from Martin, and figured right away it was another spoof...I would have deleted it from my server before I opened Thunderbird using the docklet, but doing that in the past has really messed up my email...it never deletes the right email so like I think I got a permission from Mormegil to release my Toon Tabs, but deleted it and can't get him to respond again...LOL So I didn't want to loose the other emails...I made sure Norton was updated and running and opened Thunderbird.
This link is to a screen shot of what followed...
The point of this?
It CAN happen to me...and YOU. Pay very close attention to the email that you receive. And also wanted to remind everyone to update their virus software...If you don't have any, I recommend Norton, which I would have never done before, because it's never done anything other than annoy me with the constant reminders to update...LOL
Thanks to Hippy for responding to my post and letting me know what the deal was!