Today I received an email saying

Thank you for your recent upload of your CP38 BeatNik for Beatnik.
Just a heads up.....collaborative efforts preclude you from rating your
partner's's the equivalent of rating your own, and therefore cheating.
I have removed any that I have noticed to date...and will continue to watch
these submissions.

Truth be told, he is NOT my partner. Though I have made several ports of his skins! I don't make the WindowBlinds, Rainlendars, Sysmetrix....etc. I don't make any of the images he uses....As a matter of fact he make ALL the images I use....I even request specific images when I need them. He sends me .psd files....I don't send him how does this make my PORTS any different from anyone elses' ports?

So, if they are going to remove the ratings to the skins of Pinchecl's that I PORT then they should remove the ratings of the skins other people port....

I made a ports of Obdisian Order and rated it, Marcintesh OS-W, Outlook RB, K-Tek Steel, and several others too....then any ratings I gave them should be removed. Also, I know that some of those authors rated my skins, so you should fix that too. And while you're at it, you should remove any ratings they did on any other ports of their work! Oh, and as long as your so worried about it, also remove the ratings of the person that ported the skin, because I'm sure they rated the original too

First I'm not permitted to upload a Suite file that contained some of Pinchecl's skins in the suite file itself..instead of being linked...ok fine even though I have permission from him to do so, but now I can't rate his work, because he's my partner....Ok...IF he's my partner, then I own half of his work....which I do NOT, and should be permitted to upload the Suite files.....I mean it's at least half mine right?

Does that make me partners with CaveBear too? I've ported Lila, and Dream Rain and am in the process of doing more Dream Rain skins as well as Blue Lagoon??

Please, help me understand this....
And let me make it clear, that I only port Pinchecl's skins....
He really makes ALL the skins himself...
I do other ports while I'm waiting on a new set from him....I don't actually help him make the skins in any way....My contributions to HIS skins...when he's doing a new set is strictly testing and suggesting...I know that plenty of author's have people they always use to test, right?? Well, I can honestly say that until PINCHECL makes the skin and sends it to me to test I have no hand in making them....and several times I have to download the skins from here to get them....

And while I would love to actually have the artistic ability to make images and skins from scratch, I don't....that's why MOST of my skins are PORTS. Pinchecl's included. I have always said that he was the artist....and that I have NOTHING to do with the most important part of making the skins...
Comments (Page 5)
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on Nov 03, 2004

"In submitting these files for upload, I agree that they may be included by Stardock in future compilations or libraries.
(for example, as extra samples included with an Object Desktop CD)."

So, basically authors give YOU (WC) permission to redistribute their work.
When Pinchecl gives me permission to upload his skins in a Suite, HE gives ME permission to redistribute his work.
Why then is it ok for you (WC) to tell him he can't give me permission to do that?
If he wants me to upload the Suite, then that's between him and I. As long as there's a permission, why do you care?


If and/or when Pinchecl wishes to remove a skin from WC he can do so personally and directly.  When he does it is no longer available for CD inclusion either.

If/when you upload his skins he CANNOT access them to remove them.  Instead, he must 'trust' that you will comply with his wishes and remove them for him, or, he is forced to approach the WC site admins to intervene on his behalf.

If you question his 'right' to their removal it puts WC [and everyone else] in an untenable position of trying to determine who retains the skins really his?

It is not an option to have an intermediary distribute another's works without contractual verification.

In the case of PORTING that is REQUIRED to be specific permission in writing that can be verified.  It must be included with any/all permutations of the Port's distribution....and that means within the archive so it 'stays' with the skin distribution at any subsequent level, and statement of its inclusion is required in the skin port description.

Suites are a way for a non-skinner to 'compile' a collection of skins that he/she fels works cleverly together to create an overall style.  This 'non-skinner' links to the skin content and does NOT include any skins within the theme 'distribution'.

A skinner can include his own skin/s within a theme file and include skin links to other people's skins that suit his work.

TN Brat! fall into the latter category.  Include your own skins and link to Pinchecl's matching ones.

This applies to any/all sites which host 'Suite' files, not just

Copyright rules apply to the Global community, not just WC.

Rather than attract vacuous third party comment through public airing....what say you leave this to email where it belongs.

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